Aku harap ini jalannya...


Hai readers. Well, terdetik pula nak update setelah sekian lama, setelah terbaca post kawan seperjuangan disekolah. Maaf dipinta andai bosan melihat post yang sama kerana aku kini berada di asrama. Balik-balik kena buat itu ini menolong ayah dan ibu, nak main game dan online dan sebagainya, study lagi memang serabut weh. Jadi atas sebab itu mungkin blog ini sedikit terabai.

"Aku memohon perlindungan Allah daripada syaitann yang direjam. Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha penyayang. Ya Allah, tunjukkanlah aku jalan yang boleh mendekatkan diri aku dengan Mu ya Allah". 

Itu antara doa aku sebelum menjejakkan kaki ke asrama. Buat pengetahuan semua, aku kini menjawat jawatan naib presiden Badan Rohani dan Dakwah kat sekolah. Hey it is not for fame, but I was appointed. You know when someone appoint you, you will or you have to feel like you are carrying a mountain, a mountain of amanah or responsibility. And if you don't carry it properly, you will be asked by Allah in hereafter. Yes as I said, it is not for fame, but it is amanah, my responsibility now. My responsibility to instill Islam in every heart of sestarian and me as well. My responsibility to bring them and me as well closer to Allah and rasul. If you think it is easy then you were wrong. I thought of it at first and now I realize it was different from what I thought. 

But hey, who cares, as I am doing my job, I see this thing as a sirat, or a way for me to get closer to Him, insya-Allah. I often feel it was very hard to carry this amanah and think, what if i command but not doing it, what if i don't do my work and many more. Oh Allah, am I doing the right thing? I hope i do. I have no problem at all with the students since i was be loved there, haha. Everyone is kind to me, especially the juniors. But I feel guilt for not having time to treat or spend some time with them. Sorry eh kids? Credit to my batch too for cooperate with me while i was doing my work, makes me feel ease and love them very much. I hope Allah will loves you guys too, oh and me as well, hehe.