I Origins

Assalamualaikum readers.

  So here is another movie suggestion. As mentioned above, a movie entitle 'I Origins'. My friend, Hazman suggested this movie and I decided to take a look on this movie. Well the movie is good, that's why I'm suggesting it here.

   (For me, what I understand from to movie)
  It's a story of a scientist who is trying to disprove God by conducting many experiments. For him, anything can be explained scientifically so there is no other 'power' exist in this world. So he found an experiment which is impossible and can't be explained scientifically but it seems like the result is possible, which proves that God do exist.

   Before I watch the movie, I went into IMDb website and make some preview and here is what I found which can make you understand the movie better.

  • For a brief moment in the opening credits only the letters I and O are shown in the movie title. This gives "IOII". In binary the number 1011 translates as eleven which is an important number throughout the film.
  • In the ending Salomina completed a test and scored 44%. The test involved 25 questions from A-Y. 44% of 25 is 11. In the beginning of the film, 11 is the number that brought Ian and Sofi together. This is a well thought out scene which shows the directors use of fore-shadowing.
  • Salomina's score of 44% is 11% above the average score of 33% which is yet another occurrence of "11" in the story.
Source - IMDb.com

Try it.